You know that you're supposed to cross the street at crosswalks. However, even if you're careful to obey the "Walk" and "Don't Walk" signs, you can still end up being the victim of a serious car accident. Here's what you should know about pedestrian injuries and crosswalks:
The Risk Of Injury Is Severe
If you're a pedestrian that's been hit by a car, the accident can be particularly devastating. With literally nothing to protect the pedestrian from impact, a car going only 40MPH is likely to kill the pedestrian over 80% of the time.
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Be Safe On Your Motorcyle With These 2 Tips
Having a motorcycle can be an exciting experience. However, those who ride motorcycles are about 35 times more likely to have a fatal accident than other drivers. Here are just two of the ways you can protect yourself.
Be Aware after Custom Upgrades
If you strip your bike and put custom parts on it, it is important to be aware that upgrades may change the way the motorcycle rides. For instance, if you strip the bike and rebuild it to your own specifications, know that you may be changing the center of gravity.
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4 Tips For Your Personal Injury Case
If you have been involved in an accident that caused you to become injured due to the fault of another, then you likely want to consider filing a personal injury claim. This will help ensure that your medical expenses are compensated for, as well as your loss of income and more. Personal injury cases can be really intricate and take a long time to resolve, so here are a few tips that may make it a bit easier for you:
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Intentional Torts For Which You May Sue Your Employer Directly
If you are injured in the workplace, then your compensation will come in the form of workers compensation benefits. This is the norm, but there are a few exceptions you should know about. For example, if your employer commits an intentional tort against you, then you may be able to sue him or her directly. Here are four examples of intentional torts for which you may sue your employer:
Battery and Assault
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